Searching for internet providers near me Nova Scotia? Maybe we can give you a hand in your researches. The information below might help you find the internet providers near me that you are looking for.
WRS Web Solutions Inc. is an internet service provider which offers numerous Nova Scotia cable internet packages (over the Rogers and Eastlink cable networks in Nova Scotia), plus DSL internet plans (over the Bell Aliant DSL network). The cable internet plans are usually available near you if your address in an urban area of Nova Scotia that is serviced by either the Rogers or the Eastlink cable TV networks. You will likely wish to purchase a modem from them as part of your order. Please refer to their Internet plans available near me website link for more details. The company pays fees to use the cable networks, and the DSL and it uses cable company installers (and Bell Aliant installers) to install internet for its customers, (as well as for service calls in the event that a service call is ever needed).
TekSavvy Solutions Inc. retails some Nova Scotia DSL internet plans and some Nova Scotia cable internet plans. One should visit the TekSavvy Solutions Inc. website for internet plans availability by address. Many customers choose to purchase a modem when they place an order.
Bell Aliant provides internet services in parts of Nova Scotia. Bell offers various internet plans, phone, TV services, etc. Please see the Bell website for details on those plans & internet availability by address.
VMedia Inc. is an ISP. VMedia Inc. retails Nova Scotia cable internet services, as well as DSL internet plans and bundles. Please see the VMedia site for internet packages offerings by Postal Code.
Distributel Communications Limited (& its various subsidiaries companies) offer internet plans in Nova Scotia in urban and some rural areas over various networks. Please see the Distributel website for the list of those packages & internet offerings. A term contract may be required. Modem purchase or rental often necessary.
Eastlink Inc. provides cable internet plans in various urban parts of Nova Scotia, over the Eastlink cable TV network. Please see the Eastlink website for internet plan availability by address. A two year term contract may apply.